Monday, September 26, 2011

Opthamologist Round #2

I had my second opthamologist appointment today to be checked for Sjogren's syndrome (aka "sicca syndrome"). I was thankful that I wasn't charged another co-pay at the mistake of their office and I was also happy to hear that I do not have Sjogren's :)

I was however angered and annoyed at the eye doctor for his lecture on thyroid disease... "Well it's not really a disease, it's really not even a big deal at all. You will get medication that's basically like a vitamin you take every day and everything is fine". Really? Clearly you should continue your path as an eye doctor and leave the thyroid issues to the people who know what they are talking about.

Unfortunately most people with Hashimoto's also have numerous other health issues that are coexisting. After joining an on-line support group for people with Hashimoto's I have realized how much struggle is associated with it and how difficult it is for people to manage their symptoms and hormone levels, even with medication.

I am beginning to understand the frustration that many people experience when trying to find a good doctor who will take them and their symptoms seriously. Many people I talk to have gone many years experiencing the symptoms of Hashimoto's (or other autoimmune diseases) yet have been dismissed or misdiagnosed with depression/anxiety for years before they find a doctor willing to take a closer look. I am thankful to have an amazing rheumatologist that has treated my mother for many years. If you are in CT and reading this because you have Hashimoto's or think you may have some type of autoimmune disease and are looking for a good doctor please feel free to comment, I would be glad to send his office information your way... finding a good doctor is half the battle.

I contacted Dr. M's office today to request a copy of my lab results so I can see exactly what I have been tested for and what my exact results are numberwise. I also asked them to fax my results to my primary care office. I am still dealing with regular upset stomachs and can not get back to Dr.M until November but I would like to be tested for food allergies. I have an appointment scheduled with the APRN at my primary care office for Wednesday to talk about having a blood panel done for food allergies.


  1. Please lmk your email so I can ask you some things.,,, going through all this too
