September 2011
Since getting my diagnosis a few days ago, I have been endlessly researching anything and everything I can find online regarding vitamin B12 and Hashimoto's. Through my searching I have realized that I have a lot of questions for my doctor when I see him again in November. I have started a notebook dedicated to my findings and questions.
I am ready to do whatever I can to help my body and in turn feel better.
As I stated in my main narrative, the reason I started this blog was because I found another young womans blog about her journey with Hashimoto's. I found her blog the most helpful thing I have discovered on the internet thus far. It is very helpful to learn about the personal experience and journey of Hashimoto's rather than articles written online most likely by someone who has never had the disease. If you are reading my blog because you have also been diagnosed with Hashimoto's I highly recommend you read her blog as well especially because I am newly diagnosed and she has had much more experience with the disease than I have at this point in time.
I also found a book "Hope for Hashimoto's" on Amazon that is written by Dr. Alexander Haskell, N.D. who has done a lot of work with Hashimoto's, the reviews on the book were outstanding so I ordered it and it was delivered today. I am very excited to start reading it.
I am hoping that by making specific changes to my diet I can be proactive and help my body through the disease.
After briefly looking into vitamin B12 I keep finding that the sources are red meat, chicken, and dairy products... all of which I rarely eat. Question #1 for Dr. M... Leafy greens? or meat and dairy? What can I eat to help my B12 levels? Dairy upsets my stomach and I really do not enjoy eating meat (at all), I would prefer to go without.
Also after processing the information related to Hashimoto's disease leading to hypothyroid I wonder if I should be expecting weight gain and how much? I would rather be proactive and change my eating habits to cater to that now rather than have to struggle with it later. I had a dream the other night that the doctor told me I was going to be very overweight. Having been very skinny my entire life this would be a significant change. Question #2 for Dr. M... What should I be expecting as far as weight gain?
After reading another blog and browsing some information online I have read that certain food ingredients are bad for the thyroid including soy... Question #3 for Dr. M... Are there certain things I could be avoiding that may help my thyroid?
I also realize that my upset stomach issues were not really talked about during my diagnosis appointment. Are my upset stomachs related to the B12 deficiency? Hashimoto's? or food alergies? I have read that many people with Hashimoto's have experienced intolerance to gluten and milk products. Most of my diet consists of gluten. I love love love pasta, bread, and just about any other carb I can squeeze into my diet...Question #4 for Dr. M... Were any food allergy panels done with the 16 tubes of blood I gave? If not can we please address that so I don't continue to eat foods that my body is rejecting?
November seems forever away, but I will be back to update on the status of my fatigue after a few weeks of vitamin B12 injections... maybe I will get over my fear of blood and needles after all of this :)
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